
HR & IR solutions

Customized HR & IR Solutions       as per specific needs of the        industry.

Establishing, redefining, development and deployment of policies, HR & Risk management Audit, Statutory compliance audit.

Industrial Relations challenges are industry specific and requires specific solutions.  Progressive Employee relations will have greater benefits to industries and paves the way for total employee involvement


Inclusive workplace requires right alignment of people at all levels to work with harmony by recognizing workplace diversity.  Leaders play a pivotal role with employee engagement, effective delegation, feedback and art of getting the work done.  Disengagement could be minimized through effective leadership.

Individual Coaching:

Design your life-personal mastery to move forward in career with advance planning to avoid career plateau, career pitfalls or mid term career crisis situations.

Cross-functional Training & Coaching:

We provide Customised programmes as per specific needs on the gaps observed 

Training for first time managers

Leadership skills coaching First Time Managers to equip with executive presence, to make new manager to work towards success

Supervisory Development Programme

Cultivating excellence in first-line managers and supervisors for a future of success and innovation.

Team work for Co-creation – Team building boot camp

Fostering collaboration and co-creation: Building a cohesive team that transforms ideas into innovation. Together, we achieve more.


Impactful communication

Everything revolves around effective and impactful communication at different layers and cross functional teams. Assertive two way communication, fair exchange of ideas happens through Empathetic, non-judgemental, unbiased listening. 

Email Communication is another important aspect.

Self Development

Self Development for Executives and Supervisors, as per needs and gaps identified

Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional Resilience Mastery: Gain tools for stress management, overcoming challenges, and fostering positive relationships. Cultivate empathy and navigate life's complexities with skill.

Training on Management and Union relations 

Joint programme of management representatives and union representatives.

Progressive Employee Relations

Proactive & Progressive employee relations provides better understanding of the situation, anticipating concerns in advance and resolving it.   This programme will enable Factory Manager and Occupiers and other key leaders have thorough understanding of duties and responsibilities of employer and employees.

OD Intervention 

can be for entire organization or for a particular section or process to identify specific areas for improvement.  With right identification of issues and concerns and deployment of OD Tools, organization can prosper.

Conducting effective meetings:

Every meeting has a purpose and time consuming and it should serve the purpose.

Convert your meetings with proper structure for desired outcomes with Agenda, Participation, role of participants, sharing and caring, accountability and ownership 

Discipline at work – role of Supervisors and first line managers in understanding management rights, rules of discipline and effective enforcement leading to cordial workplace relations and industrial peace.  It requires leadership skills and emotional maturity.

Handling indiscipline in the right way is crucial.  Preparation is better than cure. Ineffective ways boomerang with negative impacts and strained relations.  Equip your Managers and Supervisors to handle any situation.   

Conducting Domestic enquiries